Problems Leaky Roofs Can Cause and Why You Need Roof Repair Right Away

Problems Leaky Roofs Can Cause and Why You Need Roof Repair Right Away. In our previous blog, we detailed why people will call us for new roof installation or roof repair. In most instances, it’s because they’ve just experienced a huge storm or extreme hail, and they might even have lost shingles in the process. Other times it’s simply because the roof is looking old and losing a lot of its grit, which opens it up to being damaged more easily. And when that happens, you might get roof leaks that can be extremely damaging to your house.

Wait, did we just say extremely damaging? Yes, we did, because it can be a huge deal. Let’s take a look at the big reasons you want to fix that leaky roof as soon as possible with professional roof repair in Dahlonega.

Attic Damage

The first thing that often happens with a leaky roof is that it gets into the attic and starts doing damage. A leak will probably start to warp the boards that make up your ceiling. The water may also start to warp the flooring directly underneath.

Of course, you also have to worry about the stuff that’s in your attic. While not everyone keeps stuff up there, some people use their attic as their primary place to store stuff. So whether it’s your family photo albums or grandma’s antiques, you don’t want that leak to get any worse. Call for roof repair in Dahlonega at the first sign of trouble!

Compacted Insulation

Most houses have either roll or blown-in insulation, and both of these are susceptible to water. When insulation gets wet, it tends to become thinner and more compact. When that happens, it can no longer do its job as efficiently, and you’ll no longer get the air retention that you have in the past. This might sound minor, but it can cost you in heating and cooling dollars over the years.

Stained Ceilings

While it might be easy to replace drop-ceiling tiles, replacing the typical ceiling in a home is a huge process. The water dripping in through a roof leak can take many forms. It could be yellowing over a wide range of ceiling or it might be a small brown spot that gets bigger and bigger. It all depends on the way that that water is coming in through the roof leak.

The plaster or drywall on the ceiling may bubble and expand, and it can start to leak down nearby walls as well. Eventually, the ceiling will weaken so much and absorb so much water-weight that it’s just going to collapse, creating a huge mess on anything that’s underneath it. Suddenly that “tiny roof leak” has caused hundreds of dollars in damage. It could have been fixed with just a little bit of roof repair.


Mildew usually appears on the surfaces of rooms that are often humid such as bathroom mirrors and shower doors.  It tends to be gray or white, and can easily be removed with a mild abrasive and a scrubbing brush. Mold doesn’t tend to be a danger to human health, but the smell can certainly give the wrong impression to anyone who stops by for a visit. If you smell mildew even after you have cleaned the bathroom, it might be a sign that there’s a leak in the roof that you’re unaware of.


Mold and mildew often share the same sentence, but they’re actually very different. While mildew isn’t a health concern, mold certainly is.

Mold spores love water, so if there’s someplace in the house that has uncontrolled water (like a leak in the attic), mold might be a concern. Mold is often found on the wood frame of a house, though it can also live on concrete, in carpet, or on furniture. Mold tends to be black or green, and it’s seldom limited to one place. Mold releases more spores into the air, and if they get into the air ducts then the mold moves throughout the house to seek out other moist areas, such as the basement.

There are many types of mold, but the one that should be feared is black mold. Mold spores that interact with humans are called mycotoxins. Mycotoxins can create health concerns, mostly those having to do with the respiratory system. Symptoms show up as chronic sneezing and coughing, rashes, fatigue, headaches, and irritation of the eyes. These symptoms might go away when the person leaves the house, only to return when the person is back home.

If black mold were easy to get rid of, it wouldn’t be such a big deal. But it takes more than a can of Lysol to kill black mold spores; even if the visible areas are scrubbed with bleach, black mold can come back with very little effort because of the spores it is constantly sending throughout the house. Having black mold in a house makes it almost impossible to sell.  It’s a lot easier to prevent than it is to cure, which is why we always suggest calling roof repair experts at the first sign of a leak.

Call For a Roofing Inspection Today!

Roof leaks can occur in a building of any age. Perhaps the roof is old and in need of a new roof installation. Or maybe the house is new and has simply lost a few shingles, allowing the unlying protection to fail and expose the attic to the elements. Either way, Roofing Resources of Georgia is there to help. Give us a call today!


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