How Often Should I Clean My Gutters?

If you’re wondering “how often should I clean my gutters?” Let RRG Roofing help you out. Many people do not give their gutters much relevance until there is a problem. Usually, homeowners remind their drainage system only during heavy rain or when ice dams form in the winter. We recommend inspecting, cleaning, and maintaining your roof regularly. But these tasks must include your gutters and downspouts.

Debris in your gutters impedes the normal flow of rainwater on your roof. Also, it adds weight that can cause your gutters to sag and break. A roof is more susceptible to rust and mold if water pools in the gutters.


Other Issues that Faulty Gutters Can Cause

Many issues can arise from neglected gutters, some of which you would not anticipate.

  • Higher Chances of Roof Leaks

Homeowners who discover a leak inside their homes typically call roofing contractors in panic. Most of these issues appear when gutters are clogged with debris. So, they cannot effectively channel water away from the roof. This water will always fall to the ground due to gravity. However, it may not follow the most efficient path for your home.

  • Damages landscaping

If your gutters and downspouts are clogged or loose, rainfall may overflow, pouring over the sides. This issue may cause significant damage to the landscaping below, especially the gardens.

  • Effects on Your House’s Foundation

When gutters work properly, they divert rainwater and melted snow away from the house’s foundation. They direct the water to other places that can absorb it, like the yard. But, if your gutters are broken or sagging, water will leak down the side and into your basement through gaps in the foundation.  

  • Causing Siding to Rust, Decay, or Discolor

Water seeping into your home from leaking gutters may corrode metal siding and destroy wood trim over time. Water running down the side of a home may also leave unsightly stains and streaks on any siding or trim.

  • Increase the Chances of Pest Infestation

When debris clogs gutters, these can collect enough water to support mosquito and fly populations. The stagnant water in your gutters attracts pests, which may make spending time outside unpleasant.

  • Ice Dams During Winter

Do you live in a colder area? If so, water pooling can cause ice dams in your gutters. This issue may be significant, especially if debris is blocking your gutters. The longer it takes for water to drain once the temperature has risen above freezing, the more likely it will freeze during the winter. Besides, the added weight of ice dams can pull gutters away from your home’s walls.

Likewise, the garbage and ice accumulation can cause your gutters to droop, pull away, or collapse. Be careful because staying beneath gutters in this condition is dangerous. They may buckle under the additional load.

Gutter damage can occur when debris and ice accumulate in them. It is not just unsafe to walk beneath these. Also, it may damage your roof and siding.

How to Inspect Your Gutters

You should check the efficacy of your home’s roof drainage system at least four times a year. That is, once in each season. By performing this quick check, you can see whether there are problems with your gutters. Moreover, you will detect if water is causing any damage to your property.

Additionally, perform a more in-depth checkup at least twice yearly. Inspecting before the onset of cold weather is crucial if you live in a region that experiences heavy winter. Do not do this if you lack confidence in your abilities!

Verify the gutters have the appropriate slope and are not collecting water by using a carpenter’s level. Besides, ensure all gutter hangers are firmly connected. About ¼” should be subtracted every 9 or 10 feet so that they slope downwards toward the downspouts.

When gutters:

  • are loose. 
  • they pull away from the roof. 
  • they sag in several places. 
  • have holes and rust in them. 
  • or have cracked or split.

Replacing or fixing your gutters is critical before water leaks into your roof or walls.

Safety Must Be Your Priority

Keep your distance from live wires. Be careful if you are working on your gutters or cleaning them when electricity lines are nearby. Check from the ground the area where your roof connects with the electrical line. 

Get up on the roof or a ladder and look at the cable without touching or getting too near to it. You will check what the protective wire insulation looks like and whether it is damaged or missing. Do not try to fix the cable if it seems to be broken. Instead, contact a qualified electrician.

Final Thoughts

Now you know why gutter cleaning a crucial maintenance task for your roof and home is. Your gutters and downspouts save your house from severe damage. So, do not overlook this critical element of your house! 

For more information, contact RRG Roofing at 678-326-4951. We service areas in Dahlonega, Blairsville, Hiawassee, and Alpharetta, GA.

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